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Mouse House is a Houston, TX based firm specializing in organic search engine marketing.  Services by Mouse House include SEO, keyword research, marketing strategy and segmentation!
This compares the EMBA, PMBA and MBA programs at the Rice Business school, officially called the Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management, located in Houston, TX!

Rice MBA

Rice University is nationally recognized for academic excellence. Opened in 1912 this private, comprehensive research university located in Houston, TX offers undergraduate and graduate study opportunities. Rice's Business School is officially called the Jesse H. Jones Gradute School of Management. The Jones Graduate School, or JGS, offers degree programs including the Rice MBA (for full-time students), MBA for Executives (EMBA), MBA for Professionals (PMBA), Joint MBA/ME with the George R. Brown School of Engineering, and Joint MD/MBA with Baylor College of Medicine. In addition, the Jones School offers Executive Education courses which can be taken a non-credit basis or as part of a certificate program. Certificate programs at the JGS include: Energy Management, Finance and Accounting, Healthcare Management, Leadership, Life Sciences Entrepreneurial Management. The Jones Graduate School of Management is part of the Rice University Campus located near the Museum District and adjacent to the Texas Medical Center in Houston, TX.

Houston MBA : Full-time MBA from Rice JGS

This page contains an overview of the Rice MBA program for full-time students. Get links to specific information and answers to frequently asked questions about the Rice MBA.

Houston PMBA or Rice MBA for Professionals

For professionals wishing to gain an MBA education without interupting carerr, the PMBA program at the Jones School is an excellent option. Read more about the program and the student body profile on this page.

Houston EMBA or Rice MBA for Executives

This MBA program is geared toward experienced executives. The EMBA program at Rice emphasises strategic management skillsand a solid foundation in general business knowledge.

Rice Executive Education, Houston Texas

Get information about course offerings or get information about how to design a custom program specific to your business. Open enrollment gives flexibility.

About Houston

Page prepared for prospective MBA students with basic information about Houston, Texas. Page inlcudes links to other resources and information sources related to Houston.



The photos at left are of student profiles. Learn more about the experiences of Jeremy Beasley and Sidhya Jayakumar (Rice MBA 2008). These photos link to video footage of the Rice MBA experience. Get some insight into the Rice & Hostoun MBA experience.

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Video of the student life offered at JGS Rice MBA & PMBA & EMBA program. Video of the student lifeJeremy Beasley, student at the JGS Rice MBA in Houston, TX